• Plovdiv, Frederic-Joliot-Curie., Nr. 26.
    ETF GmbH, EIC 202977502

- our profile -

  • What ETF stands for

    Changing markets demand innovation for growth. ETF provides the respective know-how to increase service and product innovation. By this, ETF supports in bridging the gap between real and financial markets, ideally having a stabilizing effect on economies; also ensuring societies long term stability.

    By taking the role of the intermediator, by providing high level technology consultancy services and perfoming hands on support, ETF is acting as a catalyst between investors, innovators, markets and decision makers.

  • Reference projects

    Smart Cities, Wood Gasification, Energy Storage, Energy Efficiency Improvements

  • Services ETF provides

    + Cleantech Venture Capital Consultancy
    + SME Capacity Building
    + University Research Partnerships
    + Energy Innovation
    + Market Intervention Management
    + Integration of Renewables
    + Supply Chain Design Support
    + EC Grant and Incentives Advisory

  • Get in touch with us

    Dr. Michael Heidenreich, Managing Partner
    mailto: michael.heidenreich@etf-group.org

    Klaus Kogler, MSc, Managing Partner
    mailto: klaus.kogler@etf-group.org